Sponsorship Opportunities
Sponsors are a valuable addition to any healthy youth sports organization. BCRL is no different.
We are excited to launch a new sponsorship program for our fields. You can get our official information inthis document if you'd like to forward onto a local business. You can email us for more information.
Sponsorship Options
All sponsorships will get a listing on our website along with a mention in an email to our e-mail list (likely sent in a group mailing with multiple sponsors listed). Major sponsors will get a more detailed advertisement to our mailing list and a prominent spot on our website.
A 4x6 Color Banner placed along one of our many fences.
1 Year Cost: $400
2 Year Cost: $700
* If digital art needs to be created for the banner, there may be a $50 fee to pay our provider for their services.
Sponsor a Field
This would be a large sign placed behind the catcher.
1 Year Cost: $1,000
2 Year Cost: $1,700
Premium Sponsor
Lets’ talk! If you’d like a much more visible option, we can talk. We have 30 acres of room with a lot of great areas to place some sponsorship signs. Examples of a premium sponsor:
Fund an improvement to the fields (like dugouts for a particular baseball field).
Become the “official <insert your industry>” of BCRL.
Sponsor multiple fields